The Trip

Dates - April 16 thru 19, 2010
Who - 23 Students and 6 Chaperones from Cook, MN
Cost per student - $1,153
Travel - round trip travel between the Minneapolis airport and LaGuardia Airport on Delta Airlines
Lodging - at the Skyline Hotel in mid-town Manhattan
Events - 2 Broadway shows, Broadway Backstage Workshop, Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), Central park, 30 Rock, NBC Studios, St. Patricks's Cathedral, Ellis Island, Statue of Liberty, Hard Rock Cafe, Bubba Gump and much more
Director - Mrs. Bailey Conger
Chaperones - Amy Blake, Sharry Hill, Jolene Blake, Mary Conger and Liam Conger

Saturday, April 17, 2010

It's More than Just Minnesota Nice

Tonight a strange man approached our dinner table and interrupted our meal saying, "Excuse me, I don't want to bother you, but I've worked in schools for 31 years and I have NEVER seen a group of students as well behaved as this one. I just had to tell you that everyone at our table is amazed at how great they are. You should be very proud of them."

Well, we are! This group of 23 students has been great, but we were still happy to hear that someone else noticed.

Turns out this man and his dinner companions were seated next to one of our two gigantic tables at Carmines and, before they left, really felt compelled to let our group know that they were being terrific travelers.

It just goes to show that even in the big city, people pay attention...and good behavior does not go unnoticed or unappreciated. Thanks to this group for continuing to give our school, town, and state a reputation of which we can all be proud!

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