The Trip

Dates - April 16 thru 19, 2010
Who - 23 Students and 6 Chaperones from Cook, MN
Cost per student - $1,153
Travel - round trip travel between the Minneapolis airport and LaGuardia Airport on Delta Airlines
Lodging - at the Skyline Hotel in mid-town Manhattan
Events - 2 Broadway shows, Broadway Backstage Workshop, Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), Central park, 30 Rock, NBC Studios, St. Patricks's Cathedral, Ellis Island, Statue of Liberty, Hard Rock Cafe, Bubba Gump and much more
Director - Mrs. Bailey Conger
Chaperones - Amy Blake, Sharry Hill, Jolene Blake, Mary Conger and Liam Conger

Friday, April 16, 2010

We're Here! Day One

Today the group traveled safely to NYC in time to grab lunch at Grand Central Station. After that we enjoyed a drive around Manhattan's Upper West and East Sides in our lovely charter bus, stopping to wander into Central Park as well as check out Trump Tower, FAO Schwartz, and Tiffanys.

After checking into the hotel we walked over to the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) and undertook a scavenger hunt (congrats to Amy's team for winning!) after standing in a line around the block to get in for Free Fridays.
By the time we were done looking at tons of cool art at MoMA (including Picassos, Dalis, Van Goghs, Warhols, Cezannes, and Matisses) we were all ready to eat, but we had to trudge through some rain to get to The Hard Rock Cafe in Times Square. We enjoyed grazing on burgers and salads while gazing at legendary rock memorabilia such as James Brown and Jimi Hendrix's performance suits and Janis Joplin's pants (and bought some Hard Rock Cafe souvenirs ourselves).
After fueling up we had to walk back to our hotel, which wasn't too far but by this time the rain had really started to come down! By the time we got back to the hotel, we were pretty soaked but that made being in for the night all the more pleasant. We're all tired, but happy to be here and looking forward to another busy day tomorrow. Stay tuned!


  1. Bailey, It's great to hear what is happening in NY--I feel like I'm there too. You certainly have worked hard to make a good thing happen. I'm sure this will be a memorable adventure for all of your students. I'll be looking forward to more posts.

  2. Bailey
    Hope you and the rest of the group are enjoying my home town.
    Judy Holter
